Lorraine B

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Hello and welcome to a place of Spiritual Refuge. A place where you can come and meditate on the word of God as it encourages and empowers you to live on top of the world everyday. I've always had a passion for writing ever since I was a child. Now I'm an adult I've decided to allow God to use one of the many gifts he's given me to encourage and create a place of spiritual refuge for the discouraged, broken hearten and those who at times feel they have no hope. I thank God for all of the gifts that he has given me and my greatest intent is for me to give them back to him by using them for his Glory. Enjoy, be encouraged and inspired. Lorraine B :)

Saturday, May 5, 2012

The blank white page

As I was going through my notebook for class, looking for a new sheet to write on, I took a moment to really observe the page. The color of the page was so white that it was beaming bright. It was as if the page couldn't wait to be written on with fresh new ideas. As I stared at the page, I couldn't help but think about the thought of how David asked God to cleanse him and make him "whiter than snow" and how in Isaiah God said "though your sins have been made like scarlet, I've made them white as snow." Isaiah 1:18 “Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. The power behind that white page really made me think about what Jesus and what he did for me on the cross. How he paid the price for my sin. The price that I should've paid so that I could have a clean slate, every single day of my life, just like that white page in my notebook. That blank page in that notebook represented what God does for me every single day too when I go before him pouring out my heart asking him for forgiveness as I repent for all of my sin. Every page of my life that was written on before is gone, never to be remembered anymore because of Christ and I am able to have a new page to reflect on everything that he has made new every day. I thank God for the white pages and I thank him for the old, written on pages too. As you reflect on your life, consider every day a new page. Try your best not to beat yourself up, dragging the old stained ink from an old page onto the new page that God has already made white just for you. God doesn't do it so why do you? He promised that he has made everything new. The old things have passed away and behold all things are made new. 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. (KJV) Embrace the "white page" in your life today, embrace the new. (c)Lorraine Benjamin 2012

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