Lorraine B

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Hello and welcome to a place of Spiritual Refuge. A place where you can come and meditate on the word of God as it encourages and empowers you to live on top of the world everyday. I've always had a passion for writing ever since I was a child. Now I'm an adult I've decided to allow God to use one of the many gifts he's given me to encourage and create a place of spiritual refuge for the discouraged, broken hearten and those who at times feel they have no hope. I thank God for all of the gifts that he has given me and my greatest intent is for me to give them back to him by using them for his Glory. Enjoy, be encouraged and inspired. Lorraine B :)

Monday, March 19, 2012


I don’t’ know about you but every day is a fight. A fight with the mind, a fight with the tongue, a fight with different personalities and attitudes, a fight just to stay alive because the enemy is trying to take me out and wants me to sin my soul every single day if possible. I’m fully aware that he doesn’t want me to fulfill the great plans that God has for me. So with that in mind I have to remind myself that I have to suit up and be prepared to fight every single day of my life. It’s a spiritual warfare and I might not know much about war and what is needed to fight but I do know that soldiers don’t go out to fight the battle unprotected. They suit up, put on their protective gear, take their weapons and strategically prepare to go out to fight the enemy. They never go out unprotected because being unprotected can lead to a quick defeat. So why is it in the body of Christ we choose to try to fight unprotected. We’re never prepared but we want to fight and fling scriptures here and there when things don’t quite go the way we planned during our hectic lives. Well, I know that life can be hectic at times and while we try to balance our every day responsibilities to ourselves and our loved ones, at times we forget to prepare ourselves spiritually before we head out the door. We wake up, get ready, and rush out the door and hit God up in the car or during our lunch breaks. But instead of catching God on the fly every day, how about you start out with a prayer. Prayer is one of the strongest weapons we can use to fight the enemy off every day. Another weapon is praise! Instead of waking up or getting ready to the news, weather or something secular how about to tune in to something lifting up praise! Whether it is a whisper of “thank you” to God or just meditating on how he chose not to take you out the night before , reading a scripture or simply pleading the blood, these little adjustments in our schedules can make such a big impact and they prepare us for the fight. So as you lay down to sleep tonight or as you wake up, consider the little things that you can do to prepare yourself to win the fight before it even begins…. Just some spiritual food for thought! Thanks for reading, stay encouraged and until next time…be blessed © Lorraine Benjamin 2012


  1. I did not know you had this blog . . . Awesome Lorraine - you really got up in my business with this one! Thanks. I love it.

  2. Thanks Chi! Glad it could be a blessing :)
