Lorraine B

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Hello and welcome to a place of Spiritual Refuge. A place where you can come and meditate on the word of God as it encourages and empowers you to live on top of the world everyday. I've always had a passion for writing ever since I was a child. Now I'm an adult I've decided to allow God to use one of the many gifts he's given me to encourage and create a place of spiritual refuge for the discouraged, broken hearten and those who at times feel they have no hope. I thank God for all of the gifts that he has given me and my greatest intent is for me to give them back to him by using them for his Glory. Enjoy, be encouraged and inspired. Lorraine B :)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Emotional worship - a form of communication with God

Romans 8:26-27
26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. 27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.

We all worship God in different ways and forms before him. Some hop, some jump, some dance, some hollah, some run around the church building in joy but me I'm an emotional worshiper . At times I sit in silence and worship him, but there's something about emotional worship. At times when he chooses, I worship him through crying, weeping and wailing and at times I can't explain it you because I know that nothing was really wrong. But as I read the scripture above I realize that when I cry and wail and weep before him it's a form of intimacy with him, it's a higher level of communication with him because our moaning and tears is a medium that the Holy Spirit uses to communicate directly with God.
At times I sit and cry and moan uncontrollably and that's because the Holy Spirit is making intercession for me on the things that are in my heart that I just don't know how to express into words before the Lord. God chooses at times to be intimate with me through emotional worship. Although I can't explain it I know that he hears and he understands and knows my groans and is pleased. So the next time you see someone crying or wailing or moaning in the presence of the Lord allow them to communicate with him until he receives all of it because HE looks forward to that type of communion with the Holy Spirit.

(c) Lorraine Benjamin 2012

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